
Yerevan reports shelling from Azerbaijan

YEREVAN (Agencies): The Armenian Defense Ministry announced on Friday about shelling on the border of Armenian positions from Azerbaijan .

“On the morning of July 16, starting at 11.00 (10.00 Moscow time), units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces fired at the Armenian positions deployed on the section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border near the village of Yeraskh (in the Ararat region, 70 kilometers from Yerevan – ed.),” The statement said on website of the department.

It is noted that no one was killed or wounded on the Armenian side.

On July 14, the Arme-nian Defense Ministry announced the death of an Armenian soldier near Yer-askh as a result of shelling from the Azerbaijani side.

The situation on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan escalated on May 12. The Armenian Defense Ministry reported that the Azerbaijani armed forces tried to carry out certain work “to clarify the borders” in one of the border areas of the Syunik region. And about. During a telephone conversation, Pashinyan informed President Putin about his instruction to seek consultations from the CSTO.

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