F.P. Report
KABUL: Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kami-lov visited Kabul on Octob-er 7, where he met with the Foreign Minister of the Afghan government form-ed by the radical Taliban Amir Khan Muttaki, Taliban spokesman Abdul Kahar Balkhi reported on his Twitter page.
“Today Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), Acting Foreign Minister Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi met Abdulaziz Kamilov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan & accompanying delegation.”
“Welcoming his Uzbek counterpart, Minister Muttaqi assured of normalization of situation.”
Kamilov said he is happy to see the streets clean, city work managed, people out & about, & a secure atmosphere, adding Uzbekistan had always focused on mutual interests of both countries & Uzbekistan’s foreign policy towards Afghanistan was not tied to other issues.
Kamelov hoped that Islamic Emirate of Afgha-nistan would soon find a strong place in the international community and assu-red that Uzbekistan remains committed to it’s pledges in transit, energy, and trade.
Muttaqi highlighted the recent developments towards government formation, expressing gratitude to his counterpart for reconstruction of Maza-e-Sharif airport & other assistance in other areas.
During a meeting with the Uzbek Foreign Minister, representatives of the Taliban government also assured that the republic would not face threats from the territory of Afghanistan, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.