
Ukraine announced “intensive consultations” with US on Donbass

MOSCOW (Agencies): The office of the President of Ukraine is discussing with the US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland the possibility of the United States participating in the negotiations on the Donbass.

As the press secretary of the Ukrainian delegation to the contact group on Donbass Oleksiy Arestovich clarified, the United States is a member of the OSCE, and therefore has the right to enter this format. According to him, the question is whether an agreement in principle on this participation will be reached.

“Now between the political adviser to President Zelensky, Andriy Yermak, who also heads the presidential office, there are intensive consultations with Victoria Nuland, who has been appointed in the United States as the chief official for Ukraine and the settlement of the conflict with the Russian Federation,” said Arestovich, quoted by RIA Novosti.

He stressed that the results of the dialogue will become known after the visit of Zelensky to Wash-ington at the end of July.

Earlier, the head of the Kiev delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbass, Leonid Kravchuk, said that consultations were underway on the participation of the US in the negotiation process on Donbass. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the United States is ready to support the Minsk and Normandy acc-ords, but much will depend on Moscow’s position.

The conflict in Donbass has been going on since 2014. According to the UN, more than 13 thousand people were killed in the clashes.

Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that Ukraine saw a “real chance” for the United States to participate in meetings on Donbass.

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