
Serbia and Hungary connect “Turkish Stream” bypassing Ukraine

MOSCOW (Monitoring Desk):The Serbian section of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline was docked with the Hungarian GTS, the connection was made at the border of the two countries, RIA Novosti reports .

According to Dusan Bayatovic , director of the Srbiyagaz state-owned enterprise , on July 4, “an end was put” in many years of great work, and Serbia decided the issue of gas supply not only through Ukraine .

Earlier, he suggested that the first deliveries of Russian gas to Hungary and further to Europe are expected from October 1. The official launch of Russian gas into the Serbian gas transmission system through Bulgaria from the Turkish Stream gas pipeline took place on January 1.

Turkish Stream is an export gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea . It passes, including through Bulgaria , Serbia, continues in Hungary and goes further to Europe.

Earlier, radio Sputnik reported that the Serbian special services were interested in the data on the wiretapping of Vucic.

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