
Taliban announces Afghanistan’s Govt.

Ishaq Khan

PESHAWAR: Taliban spo-kesperson Zabihullah Mu-jahid on Tuesday has confirmed the formation of new caretaker government after taking over full control of the war-torn country. Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund has been named as the acting prime minister of the new caretaker government.

Taliban spokesperson said that the head of the Taliban’s political office Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar will be acting deputy prime minister in the caretaker government.

Mujahid further revealed that Mullah Yaqob, son of Mullah Umar, founder of Taliban, has been appointed as the acting defense minister and Mullah Ameer Khan Muttaqi has been appointed as acting foreign minister whereas Abas Stanikzai has been appointed as acting deputy foreign minister.

Siraj Haqqani has been named acting Interior minister while Mullah Khair Wazir will be acting minister for information.

Hidayatullah Badri has been named as acting finance minister and Sheikhullah Munir as acting education minister.

Maulvi Abdul Hakim Shariah has been named acting law minister while Mullah Hidayatullah will be acting minister for environment Khalilul Rehman Haqqani has been named as minister for displaced persons.

In response to questions the Taliban spokesman clarified that this is an “acting” government with “acting” ministers and will not be the future government.

The caretaker cabinet includes acting ministers, deputies, and heads of directorates.

Muhammad Hassas Ak-hund (Acting Prime Min-ister), Abdul Ghani Baradar (Acting Deputy PM), Mu-hammad Yaqoob Mujahid (Acting Minister of Def-ense), Sarajudin Haqqani (Acting minister of Interior Affairs), Amir Khan Mu-taqi (Acting Minister of Fo-reign Affairs), Mullah Hed-aytaullah Badri (Acting Mi-nister of Finance), Noor-ullah Monir (Acting Mini-ster of Education), Khairu-llah Khair khwa (Acting Minister of Information and Culture), Noor Muhammad (Acting Minister of Haj and Islamic Affairs), Qari Haneef (Acting Minister of Economy), Abdul Hakim Sharaee (Acting Minister of Justice), Norullah Noori (Acting Minister of Borders and Tribes), Yunus Akhun-dzada (Acting Minister of Rural and Urban Develo-pment), Abdul Manan O-mari (Acting Minister of Public Work), Muhammad Isa Akhund (Acting Minis-ter of Mines and Petrol-eum), Abdul Latif Mansoor (Acting Minister of Water and Power), Hameedullah Akhundzada (Acting Mini-ster of Transportation and Aviation), Abdul Baqi Ha-qani (Acting Minister of Higher Education), Najibu-llah Haqani (Acting Mini-ster of Telecommunica-tion), Khalilurahman Haq-qani (Acting Minister of Refugees), Abdulhaq Wasiq (Acting Chief of the Ge-neral Directorate of Intell-igence), Haji Muhammad Idrees (Acting Head of Central banks -de Afgha-nistan bank), Ahmad Jan Ahmadi (Acting Head of Administration of the Aff-airs), Muhammad Fazel Akhund (Depu-ty Minister of Defense), Qari Fasihudin (Acting Chief of Army Staff), Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanekzai (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs), Noor Jalal (Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs), Zabiullah Mujahid (Deputy Minister of Information and Culture), Tajmir Jawad (the first Deputy of the General Directorate of intelligence), Rahmatullah Najib (the Deputy of the General Directorate of intelligence), Mullah Abdulhaq (Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs in counter Narcotic).

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