
Putin, Xi discuss Taliban led government in Kabul

F.P. Report

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Pu-tin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday, in a telephone conversation expressed their readiness to step up efforts in the fight against the threats of terrorism and drug trafficking from Afghanistan.

The statement says “In the context of the 20th anniversary of the conclusion of the Treaty on Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, which is celebrated this year, it was stated with satisfaction that the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership is progressively and dynamically de-veloping. Most importantly, the parties are interested in further deepening interaction on the entire range of issues on the bilateral and international agenda.”

“Afghan problems were discussed in detail. They expressed their readiness to step up efforts to combat the threats of terrorism and drug trafficking emanating from the territory of Afghanistan.”

“The importance of establishing peace in this country as soon as possible and preventing the spread of instability to adjacent regions was emphasized. For this, it is intended to make the most of the potential of the SCO. The leaders also agreed to intensify bilateral contacts and close coordination, primarily through the foreign ministries, added the statement.

“On the occasion of the approaching 76th anniversary of the end of the Sec-ond World War, it was no-ted that there was a need for work to preserve the truth about the events of those y-ears and to prevent attempts to falsify history.”

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