
Moscow: Taliban detain 2 Malaysians origin militants

MOSCOW (TASS): Russian Ambassador to Kabul Dmitry Zhirnov believes that an irreconcilable war is going on between the terrorist organization Islamic State, and that the terrorist attack at the Kabul airport was not challenged by the United States, but the Taliban.

“The fight is irreconcilable. If it was really ISIS at the airport, then it has now challenged not so much the United States as the Taliban. Because the Taliban have taken responsibility for Afghanistan,” he said on Saturday on the Soloviev Live YouTube channel .

According to Zhirnov, the terrorist attack that took place became a reputational injection for the Taliban too. “Naturally, they cannot now fully bear responsibility for what is happening around the airport. But the image is: that is, the Taliban entered Kabul, and then something like that,” he continued.

“As far as I know, today the Taliban detained two alleged citizens of Malaysia, ISIS militants. That is, as I understand it, they will catch and they will completely act with ISIS. The Taliban do not need this anymore,” the ambassador said.

Western countries did not propose Russia to discuss the recognition of the Taliban movement as the official authority in Afghanistan, Zhirnov said.

“No they did not reach out to us,” he said, answering a question. “I think that if they do have such brain processes going on, this apparently means that the West has realized that there is no alternative to the current de facto power in Afghanistan.”

He underscored that the West may comprehend that their bid on the resigned and fled President Ashraf Ghani, whom they considered “a democrat, a defender of human and women’s rights” has failed.

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