
Merkel calls situation in Afghanistan bitter for NATO

BERLIN (RIA Novosti): The development of events in Afghanistan , where the Taliban usurped power with arms in their hands, has become a tragedy for many citizens, the situation in this country is bitter for NATO , said German Chancellor Angela Merkel .

“The development (of events in Afghanistan) in recent days has been monstrous. For many, it was a tragedy, especially for those who advocated a free society, democracy and education and now have to fear for their safety. This is a bitter development for all allies who, after the 11 September 2001 we fought against terrorism, “Merkel said, speaking at the Bundestag on Wednesday.

She also noted that the fact that after the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan, the local government and army “will be under political and military pressure” was well known. At the same time, foreign partners of Kabul “underestimated how everywhere and quickly Afghan forces after the withdrawal of troops will stop resisting the Taliban or will not want to provide it at all,” Merkel added.

She pointed out that the evacuation from Kabul was “the largest operation of its kind in the history of the Bundeswehr.” More than 4,600 people were taken out of Afghanistan by the German military, almost half of them are women, the chancellor said.

The Bundeswehr mission at Kabul airport and Tashkent is currently involving nearly 500 soldiers and technical staff, she added.

The FRG government decided on August 18 to send a request to the Bundestag to confirm the mandate for a military mission of the FRG armed forces to evacuate German citizens and local employees from Afghanistan. The transfer of forces began on August 16, up to 600 Bundeswehr soldiers will be able to take part in the operation, the German Cabinet of Ministers said .

To consider this mandate, the German Bundestag met for an emergency meeting on August 25, interrupting the summer holidays.

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