
Kosovo troops withdrawn from borders with Serbs

BELGRADE (RIA Novosti): The soldiers of the special forces of the Kosovo Interior Ministry were withdrawn from the Yarine checkpoint in the north of the region after the blockade was lifted by the local Serbs, the Kosovo online portal reports.

Negotiating groups of the Serbian leadership and the authorities of the self-proclaimed Kosovo in Brussels on Thursday reached a temporary compromise on entering the region with Serbian license plates, which had previously created tensions. From the checkpoints “Yarine” and “Brnyak” in the north of the region until 4 pm (5 pm Moscow time) on October 2, the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the self-proclaimed republic will be withdrawn there since September 20, the local Serbs will lift the blockade of the highway. The KFOR contingent under the auspices of NATO will take over duty at the checkpoint for two weeks .

The construction equipment for the blockade of the route and the forces of the Kosovar special forces were not at the Yarina checkpoint itself, but two kilometers from it on Kosovo territory, where the NATO military arrived in jeeps and trucks.

“After 12.00 (13.00), after unblocking the second lane of the highway on Yarin, the ROSU fighters began to withdraw, but soon stopped the withdrawal and demanded to remove the truck with the banner” Welcome to the Commun-ity of Serbian Communit-ies. ” Yarine “, – reports the portal, which posted a video of what is happening.

According to him, at the Brnyak checkpoint, the Kosovar special forces are demanding to remove the tents of the Serb participants in the blockade.

The Belgrade and Prishina parties have also previously reached a temporary compromise solution on the use of vehicle registration numbers in the region. At the entrance to Kosovo and Metohija, a sticker will be attached to the Serbian license plates, as well as to the “Kosovo” ones when entering Serbia, which will cover the political symbols.

In addition, representatives of Serbia and the self-proclaimed Kosovo will create a working group, which will be led by the EU, to resolve and search for durable solutions to the situation.

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