
Johnson and Erdogan discuss situation in Afghanistan

LONDON (Agencies): British Prime Minister Boris Johnson discussed the situation in Afghanistan with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan , the British Prime Minister’s Office reports.

“The Prime Minister discussed the crisis in Afghanistan with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They discussed the importance of joint work of the international community in stabilizing the situation and providing support to the Afghan people in the country and in the region,” the statement said.

The leaders of the two countries share the opinion that any new Afghan government should represent the interests of all representatives of the Afghan population, as well as protect the rights of women and minorities, the report says.

It also says that Britain and Turkey proceed from the assumption that the Taliban will be “judged not by their words, but by their actions.”

“They agreed that countries should share the burden of providing assistance and accommodating refugees, noting that the UN plays a central coordinating role in this process,” the statement said.

Also, Pesident of the European Council Charles Michel discussed the events in Afghanistan with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He wrote about this on Sunday on his Twitter page.

“I discussed the latest events in Afghanistan with [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan. This is a common problem for both Turkey and the EU,” he wrote.

He noted that both sides have an absolute understanding of the need to ensure the safe evacuation of people from Afghanistan, as well as support the vulnerable sectors of Afghan society and their hosts abroad.

In turn, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell held a telephone conversation with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi. “We will continue to work together on the current issues [in Afghanistan] on the ground and on how to move forward,” Borrell tweeted.

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