WASHINGTON DC (Age-ncies): A key Senate committee voted on Wednesday to repeal two authorizations for the use of military force against Iraq, setting up a full chamber vote later this year.
All Democrats and three Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Comm-ittee backed a bipartisan bill to scrap the 1991 aut-horization for the Gulf War and the 2002 authorization to topple Saddam Hussein’s regime in Baghdad. Both conflicts are effectively o-ver, and U.S. troops remain in Iraq only under invitation from the government to provide security assistance and conduct counterterrorism operations.
The vote marks a significant step toward Congress reasserting its constitutional authority over matters of war and peace, proponents said, and the effort is on track to become the first successful repeal of an authorization for the use of military force in 50 years.
“Congressional action to repeal these authorizations will represent a step toward Congress taking its most solemn responsibility seriously,” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who led the repeal effort alongside Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.). “Allowing outdated authorizations to persist in perpetuity invites the prospect of serious abuses in the future.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reiterated on Wednesday that he plans to bring up the repeal measure for a vote by the full Senate later this year. According to a POLITICO tally, the bill is likely to secure the requisite 60 votes to break a filibuster, with all 50 Democrats exp-ected to vote in favor and several Republicans alre-ady committing to support it. President Joe Biden has said he supports repealing the outdated authorizations and the House passed separate measures scrapping the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs. L-awmakers said they expect the legislation’s language would be included in the must-pass annual defense policy bill later this year. While most senators agreed that the AUMFs are no longer operational in accordance with the current thr-eat landscape, some Repu-blicans argued that repealing them would send a signal of weakness and leave the commander in chief wi-thout the necessary authorities to respond to future threats, especially while the Taliban is making significant gains in Afghanistan amid the U.S. withdrawal.
“Here in the Senate, it is curious to see that some of our colleagues who are the most exercised about trying to undo authorizations for the use of military force are somehow also among the quietest when it comes to the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan and oversight of ongoing conflicts,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a floor speech Wednesday.
GOP lawmakers also note the recent uptick in Iran-backed militia attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, and said getting rid of the 2002 AUMF in particular would unnecessarily hamstring Biden’s ability to respond to Iranian aggression. The president has invoked his Article II self-defense authority to order retaliatory strikes against those proxy forces at least twice, but Republicans have urged him to respond more forcefully. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that while he supported the intent of the repeal measures, he believes that Biden is “exercising a hard pivot toward Iran” as part of an effort to revive the Obama-era nuclear deal with Tehran, which Cruz and most Republicans oppose.