UN: More than 350 thousand killed in Syria

GENEVA (TASS): More than 350 thousand people were killed during the conflict in Syria from March 2011 to March 2021. This data was reported on Friday by the UN High Commis-sioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet. She presented a report prepared by her office at the session of the UNHRC.

“We have compiled a list of 350,209 identified individuals killed during the conflict in Syria from March 2011 to March 2021,” the High Commissioner said.

According to Bachelet, the list includes 26,727 wo-men and 27,126 children. The highest number of re-ported casualties is in Al-eppo province – 51,731. R-ural areas of Damascus (47-,483), Homs (40,986), Idlib (33,271), Hama (31,993) and Tartus (31,369) follow.

As the High Commiss-ioner explained, these statistics are “based on careful work”, but the data collected should not be construed as a complete list of victims of the conflict. This is, she said, only a “minimum verifiable number”, and the true number of victims is certainly higher.

Bachelet said that her office has begun to analyze information about what caused the death of people, as well as their civil or other status. “Further analysis is extremely important, and we need more time and resources to continue this complex work,” she concluded.

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