
Trump: World laughs at US

MOSCOW (Agencies): Former US President Donald Trump said that after he left the post of head of the White House, the country “ceased to be respected in the world,” RIA Novosti reports.

According to the politician, he managed to “restore respect” to Washington . But now the whole world is “laughing at the United States.”

The former US president added that he was a head of state who did not involve the country in wars.

Trump has already said that under his successor, Joe Biden, the United States is “showing weakness” to Russia , Iran and China.

Speaking in Florida at a rally in front of supporters in early July, the former president accused Democrats of “destroying the country”, telling the crowd that only he could free the United States from its energy dependence on the Middle East and Russia.

He also noted that Biden “canceled the American Keystone XL pipeline, but approved the Russian pipeline to Europe,” meaning the imminent completion of Nord Stream 2.

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