Talks with US substance based not just optics: Moeed

Jalil Afridi

WASHINGTON DC: National Security Advisor of Pakistan, Moeed Yousaf stated that his visit to Washington is based more about substance and technical and not just optics. He was speaking to Pakistani journalists in Washington DC. 

Moeed Yousaf further said that there is  expectation and reality disconnection between Pakistan and the United States. 

“Pakistan has leverage over the Taliban but not influence, if Pakistan had influence over Taliban it would have stopped TTP from operating in Pakistan” Moeed added. 

Regarding Afghanistan, Moeed Yousaf said that the one country which wants to see peace the most in Afghanistan is Pakistan. “Afghanistan is like life and death for Pakistan” Moeed added. 

Pakistani National Security Advisor urged the United States to use its influence in Afghanistan to bring peace and have all the concerned parties sit together and come up with the solution for the future of their country. 

Moeed Yousaf regretted the fact that Afghan soil has been used by India against Pakistan in the past and hoped that India will refrain from such activities in future. 

“Pakistan wants connectivity to Central Asia because all those nations want access to our ports but to do all this peace in Afghanistan is imperative” Moeed Yousaf said. 

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