
Taliban to deploy suicide bombers on borders with Tajikistan and China

KABUL (Khaama Press): Deputy Governor of Bad-akhshan province has told media that they have created an exclusive battalion of suicide bombers that will be deployed to the borders of Afghanistan particularly in Badakhshan province.

The northeastern provi-nce of Badakhshan borders Tajikistan and China.

The deputy governor, Mullah Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi said that the exclusive battalion is named Lashkar-e-Mansoori “Mansoor army” and will be deployed to the borders of the country.

Ahmadi has said that the battalion is the same as the one that would conduct suicide attacks targeting the security forces of the previous Afghan government.

“The defeat of the US would not be possible if not for this battalion. These brave men would wear explosive waistcoats and would detonate the US bases in Afghanistan. These are people with literally no fear who devote themselves for the consent of Allah.” said Ahmadi.

Along with the Lashkar-e-Mansoori, Badri313 is another battalion that is k-nown as one of the most equipped and modern military groups that are deplo-yed in Kabul International Airport.

Badri313 is also said to be comprised of all suicide bombers.

TASS adds: Meanwhile, Mawlavi Amir Khan Mottaki, Foreign Minister in the interim government of Afghanistan, received on Saturday in Kabul the Ambassador of Uzbekistan Yadgarhozha Shadmanov. The corresponding message was posted on Twitter by the representative of the Afghan Foreign Ministry, Abdul Kahar Balkhi, appointed by the Taliban.

“The parties discussed bilateral relations, in particular the reconstruction of the airport in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif [not far from the Afghan-Uzbek border] and the resumption of flights,” the text says.

Also, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in an exclusive interview with TASS said that Afghanist-an’s participation in major international infrastructure projects will help stabilize the situation in the country and support its economy.

“The most important condition for stability, sustainable economic development of Afghanistan, its successful integration into both regional and [in] world economic processes is the implementation of large infrastructure projects with Afghan participation,” the Turkmen leader said. “I am convinced that the successful implementation of such projects will give a powerful impetus economic development of brotherly Afghanistan, will stimulate effective activity on the part of external investors. “

According to him, large-scale projects in the energy, transport and communication spheres, which are being implemented by Ashgabat, can serve as an example. In particular, Berdymukhamedov pointed to the construction of a main gas pipeline through which Turkmenistan will supply gas to South Asia. The President noted that the Afghan economy could receive over a billion US dollars for the transit of Turkmen gas.

“In this context, the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline is acquiring great importance. According to preliminary estimates, this project, in addition to direct gas supplies to Afghanistan, will allow the budget of this country to receive more than a billion US dollars for gas transit alone. In addition, several thousand new jobs will be created in those Afghan provinces through which the pipeline will pass, “Berdymukhamedov explained.

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