
Taliban: Residents of Helmand banned from shaving their beards

KABUL (RIA Novosti): The Taliban have banned stylish hairstyles and shaving beards in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, the Taliban said in a letter.

Officials from the Minis-try of Islamic Orientation, at a meeting with representatives of men’s hairdressing salons in the provincial capital, Lashkar Gah, advised against styling hair and shaving beards.

The order, distributed on social networks, also contains a request not to play music or hymns in the premises of hairdressing salons.

Kabul airport ready for all flights: The Taliban announced that the airport in the Afghan capital of Kabul is fully prepared for domestic and international flights.

“Since the problems at the Kabul international airport have been resolved, a-nd the airport is fully ready for domestic and international flights, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the self-name of the political system of the Taliban – ed.) Assures all airlines of readiness for cooperation and expects that airlines and countries that made earlier flights to Kabul, they will resume flights, “Abdul Kahar Balkhi, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the interim government of Afghanistan, said on Twitter.

Earlier, Pakistani Amb-assador to Kabul Mansour Khan told RIA Novosti that Pakistani airlines PIA and a number of other international companies are ready to resume regular flights to Kabul International Airport within one to two weeks, as soon as the entire infrastructure of the air harbor meets ICAO standards.

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