BEIJING (TASS): The member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will assist Afghanistan in building a peaceful and prosperous state. This is stated in a statement released on Monday by the secretariat of the international association.
“The SCO member states confirm their intention to assist Afghanistan in becoming a peaceful, stable and prosperous country, free from terrorism, war and drugs,” the document says.
It emphasizes that the members of the organization stand for strict observance of the norms of international law and obligations under bilateral as well as multilateral agreements. They call to ensure the safety of the Afghan population and foreign citizens in the country, diplomatic missions, institutions of foreign states and international organizations.
“The SCO member states consider it important to responsibly restore the legitimacy of state power in Afgha-nistan through an inclusive peaceful dialogue, taking into account the interests of all social, political, ethnic and confessional groups in the country,” the statement says.
According to the document, the SCO countries “are ready to participate in international efforts to stabilize and develop Afghanistan with the UN’s central coordinating role.”