
Russia: Taliban real power in Afghanistan

ATHENS (TASS): Russia can recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan, provided it is inclusive and respects the rights of citizens. This was stated on Thursday by the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

“Today the Taliban have come to power, who control the entire country, and it is imperative to conduct a dialogue with them, it is imperative to meet with them <…>. Of course, contacts are also needed in ord-er to convince the Taliban to create a truly inclusive government, which would not only include representatives of those tribes and nationalities, peoples living in Afghanistan, but also all political forces, “Matvienko told reporters, adding that only such a structure will be stable and can ensure the peaceful establishment of Afghanistan as a state.

She noted that Russia, like the entire world community, calls on Afghanistan “to integrate into a number of civilized states, to ensure and protect the truth of people, primarily women and children.” “The issue of recognition or non-recognition is not a priority step today. I think if, as a result of this dialogue, the Taliban will accept the conditions that I spoke about, not just accepted on paper, but will be implemented in action, I think it will be, of course, their recognition, because today they are the real power there, “said the speaker of the Federation Council.

She added that this is a difficult and slow path, everything will depend primarily on the Taliban. According to the chairman of the upper house of parliament, the dialogue held on Wednesday within the framework of the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan was useful. “Of course, it is important, I think, that the result of the meeting of the Taliban delegation in Moscow was an appeal to the United Nations, to the international community to declare a humanitarian action to support the people of Afghanistan. Indeed, there is a state of impending humanitarian catastrophe there. We must not allow this in our time. children and sick people, “- said the speaker of the Federation Council.

Matviyenko believes that this call will be heard, supported by the United Nations and “put on a legal basis,” and other states will also join the participation in this humanitarian mission. “Everyone who is interested in a constructive dialogue, everyone who stands on the same platform as Russia, we will only be happy if other states join the dialogue, negotiations, contribute their share, their share in the peaceful settlement of the further situation in Afghanistan. But I would like not in words, but in deeds, the most important thing, “she added.

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