
Russia accuses US of human rights violations

MOSCOW (Agencies): The United States continues to grossly violate human rights both within the country and abroad, according to the report of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation with human rights in individual countries.

“The United States continues to grossly violate human rights both within the country and abroad, including through illegal unilateral coercive measures (sanctions), the most egregious example of which is the imposed and ongoing (despite numerous UN General Assembly resolutions ) blockade of Cuba,” – said in a document posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“However, this does not prevent them from positioning themselves as a“ world standard ”in the field of protecting fundamental freedoms. Even non-governmental organizations loyal to Washington admit that the state of affairs in the human rights sphere is getting worse here every year. the country continues to be ignored by the authorities.”

“Instead, Washington seeks “violations” anywhere but at home, “the report says.

The situation with freedom of the media in the United States remains extremely ambiguous, in fact sliding into complete degradation, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

“The situation with freedom of the media in the United States, to which Washington declares adherence, remains extremely ambiguous, in fact sliding into complete degradation,” says the report “On the Situation with Human Rights in Certain Countries” published by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The report notes that in recent years, there has been a departure of the American authorities from fulfilling their international legal obligations within the country to protect freedom of expression, respect for p-luralism and many other p-arameters.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted th-at, in fact, such a deplorable state of affairs with freedo-m of speech was the result of an intensified struggle between the American political elites with each other, in which both sides use obvious censorship, which leads to gross violations of the American constitution and United States international obligations.

“The situation is aggravated by the fact that in the conditions of this political crisis, the rights of citizens to access information are violated by large private corporations operating in the United States that refuse to build their activities in accordance with American legislation.

This also highlights the inability or unwillingness of the United States to lead the actions of these companies. in accordance with the law, “the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

In the United States, the level of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other manifestations of discrimination continues to grow, this is a shame for America , says the report of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation with human rights in individual countries.

“In the United States, the level of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other manifestations of such discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance continues to rise.

In addition, the problem of racism has become systemic in American society, permeating all spheres of society,” human rights organizations indicate with concern.

The rapid spread of such a phenomenon that disgraces America hardly correlates with Washington’s declared image of a “global leader” in the field of protecting rights and freedoms around the world, “says a document posted on the Foreign Ministry’s website.

The report emphasizes that human rights defenders record a discriminatory attitude towards American citizens of African, Asian and Latin American descent, which is especially evident in the actions of law enforcement agencies, as well as in the medical and social spheres.

“People from African and Asian regions face discrimination in the administration of justice in Ameri-ca, especially in the criminal justice system.

The Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination pointed out in March and August 2014 that racial differences exist at different stages of the criminal justice system. , as well as the imposition of unequal sentences and a high proportion of ethnic minorities among prisoners in prisons.

The fact that African Americans in the United States are several times more likely than whites to be imprisoned was also pointed out by human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch , “note authors of the report.

In addition, according to them, it is not uncommon for political rhetoric to use racist images associated with the trafficking of enslaved Africans, the history of lynching, derogatory assessments, exploitation, and violence against people of African descent.

“In addition, there is a high level of racially and ethnically motivated crimes, which is facilitated by the prevalence of extremist and neo-Nazi groups in the country … Also, in recent years, the number of ideological materials disseminated by extremists has increased … Recently, cases of the spread of ideology have begun to fall into the field of vision of human rights defenders. racism and neo-Nazism among the American military – reports of high-profile crimes committed by the American military, who are followers of racist ideologies and members of radical groups, have been repeatedly published by the media, “the report says.

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