
“Quad” officials held consultation meeting

F.P. Report

WASHINGTON DC: Senior officials from the United States, Australia, India, and Japan met virtually as part of regular Quad consultations to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

This meeting seeks to build on and implement the historic discussions held between President Biden, Prime Minister Morrison, Prime Minister Modi, and Prime Minister Suga during the inaugural Quad Leaders’ Summit on March 12, 2021.

The four democracies acknowledged that global security and prosperity depends on the region remaining inclusive, resilient, and healthy.

They discussed the importance of sustained international cooperation to end the COVID-19 pandemic in the Indo-Pacific and to promote economic recovery.

The officials examined ways to advance ongoing cooperation on numerous topics of mutual interest, including strategic challenges confronting the region, countering disinformation, promoting democracy and human rights, strengthening international institutions including the United Nations and related organizations, and supporting countries vulnerable to coercive actions in the Indo-Pacific region.

The senior officials discussed the importance of peace and security in the Taiwan Strait, the ongoing crisis in Burma, and reaffirmed the Quad’s strong support for ASEAN centrality and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

They welcomed the opportunity to continue regular consultations at the ministerial, senior official, and working levels and to hold a second Leaders’ Summit this fall.

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