
Putin says Zircon missiles will enter service from 2022

Putin says Zircon missiles will enter service from 2022

SOCHI (TASS): Tests of the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile are nearing completion, and from next year it will enter service with the Navy. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday at a regular meeting on defense issues.
“The tests of the sea-based Zircon hypersonic cruise missile are nearing completion. During testing, it accurately, in full accordance with the assignment, hit both ground and sea targets from a submerged position and from surface ships. Starting next year, these missiles will begin to be supplied to the military. -the Russian Navy, “Putin said. He added that the ongoing tests also convincingly confirmed the unique characteristics of the Peresvet laser systems, the Avangard and Dagger hypersonic complexes.
According to the president, it is especially important to develop and introduce technologies necessary to create new hypersonic weapons systems, high-power lasers, robotic systems that will be able to effectively counter potential military threats. “This means that they will further strengthen the security of our country,” Putin concluded.
Putin said that the development of advanced weapons has ensured a high level of Russian military security for decades.
“Today we will discuss how the army and navy are being equipped with systems based on new physical principles. The creation in our country of laser, hypersonic, kinetic and other weapons that have no analogues in the world has become a real breakthrough in the field of military technologies, seriously, significantly increased the capabilities of the armed forces, for many years, even decades, ensured a high level of military security in Russia, “Putin said.
He added that the creation of such weapons also helped to strengthen strategic parity. “Today, the development and serial production of such an effective, high-tech, innovative weapon is one of the key directions in the development of the armed forces,” the president emphasized.
The head of state noted that such developments require time, additional efforts, and finance. “Behind each of the samples is the long, painstaking work of thousands of our scientists, engineers, programmers and other specialists. I have repeatedly noted that thanks to the Russian military-industrial complex, our fundamental and applied science, a very serious start has been made in this direction,” Putin summed up.
In addition, Putin said that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the troops is becoming of paramount importance, these technologies are capable of providing a qualitative breakthrough while increasing the combat characteristics of weapons.
“I will emphasize a fundamental point. Of paramount importance in the creation of these and other promising types and models of weapons is the use of artificial intelligence technologies,” he said, speaking of hypersonic systems.
According to Putin, AI technologies should provide “a qualitative breakthrough in improving the combat characteristics of weapons.” “Such technologies should be more actively used in command and control systems of troops and weapons, communications and data transmission facilities, as well as high-precision missile systems,” the head of state said.
It is no less important, he continued, the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the creation of promising robotics with an increased degree of autonomy, in ensuring the control of drones, as well as deep-sea vehicles. “All these priorities and tasks should be fully reflected in the new state armament program until 2033,” the president stressed.
Putin added that the development of documents for a unified system of initial data for its formation in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is already underway. “The key, basic task here is to ensure that promising weapons and equipment that will be produced and supplied to the troops as part of its implementation provide reliable protection for Russia from potential threats,” he summed up.

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