
China urges US to take a pragmatic stance on Iran’s nuclear program

China urges US to take a pragmatic stance on Iran’s nuclear program

BEIJING (TASS): Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu, speaking with US Special Representative for Iran, Robert Malley, urged Washington to take a positive and constructive stance on Tehran’s nuclear program and resume negotiations. As stated in the message of the PRC Foreign Ministry, their telephone conversation took place on Wednesday.
“Currently, the situation around Iran’s nuclear program is at a key stage. The parties concerned must make joint efforts, take into account the fair and rational concerns of the Iranian side, take a positive and pragmatic position, promote the resumption of negotiations and progress in the right direction,” the Deputy Foreign Minister said. PRC.
According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Malley announced his intention to continue contacts with the PRC on this issue and expressed hope for an early resumption of negotiations.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Khatibzadeh on Monday confirmed that the dialogue on a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program will resume by the end of November, and the exact date will be announced within a week.
The previous President of the United States, Donald Trump, decided in 2018 to withdraw from the JCPOA. The current head of the Washington administration, Joe Biden, has repeatedly signaled his readiness to return the United States to the JCPOA.
The “five plus one” group (Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China, the United States and France) has been negotiating with Iran on restoring the JCPOA in its original form since April in Vienna; to date, six rounds of such meetings have taken place.

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