
Putin, Rahmon discuss strengthening Tajik-Afghan border

MOSCOW (TASS): The presidents of Russia and Tajikistan, Vladimir Putin and Emomali Rahmon, discussed in a telephone conversation the development of the situation in Afghanistan. This was reported on Tuesday by the Kremlin press service.

“The heads of state discussed the latest developments in the situation in Afghanistan and agreed to remain in close contact,” the message says.

In a telephone conversation, Putin congratulated the leader of Tajikistan, who turned 69 on Tuesday, on his birthday.

“During the telephone conversation, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin warmly congratulated President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on his birthday,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

The leaders confirmed their mutual disposition to comprehensively strengthen the Russian-Tajik relations of strategic partnership and alliance, the press service noted.

Rahmon and Putin discussed security cooperation, including strengthening the Tajik-Afghan border against the backdrop of the situation in Afghanistan. The conversation took place on Tuesday, according to the press service of the head of state.

“Special emphasis was placed on the issues of further strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the security sphere, in particular, the material and technical strengthening of the protection of the Tajik-Afghan border, taking into account the tendency of the situation in Afghanistan in recent years,” the press service notes. According to her, the presidents agreed to continue constant contacts on Afghan issues. The message says that the interlocutors discussed the specifics of the strategic partnership relations between Tajikistan and Russia, as well as the prospects for their further development.

Earlier, President of the Russian Federation Putin sent a congratulatory tele-gram to Rahmon. “With yo-ur many years of activity as head of state, you have earned well-deserved resp-ect among compatriots and abroad. Under your leadership, Tajikistan has achieved significant success in the economic and social spheres,” the message reads , the text of which is published on the Kremlin’s website.

The Russian leader noted that he highly appreciates the efforts of his colleague to strengthen the strategic partnership and alliance between the two countries, as well as his contribution to ensuring security and stability in Central Asia.

Putin also reaffirmed his readiness to continue constructive dialogue and close joint work on topical issues on the bilateral and international agenda. “I sincerely wish you, dear Emomali Sharipovich, good health, prosperity and success,” the President of the Russian Federation concluded.

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