MOSCOW (TASS): Russian President Vladimir Putin and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson believe that Moscow and London need to establish cooperation in a number of areas. This was announced on Monday by the Kremlin press service following a telephone conversation between Putin and Johnson.
“The Russian President and the British Prime M-inister exchanged assessm-ents of the situation in bilateral relations. A mutual opi-nion was expressed that, d-espite the presence of kn-own problems, it would be necessary to establish coo-peration between Moscow and London in a number of areas,” Kremlin noted.
The press service emph-asized that during the conversation it was “agreed th-at the parties will maintain the necessary contacts on t-he issues raised in the conversation.”
The parties also discussed the situation in Afghanistan.
“Some topical issues on the international agenda were also considered. When discussing the situation in Afghanistan, Vladimir Putin informed about the results of the enlarged three consultations and meetings held in the Russian capital last week in the framework of the Moscow format,” the press service said.
“The leaders spoke in favor of maintaining the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program, which is an important factor in ensuring security and maintaining the nuclear non-proliferation regime,” the statement said.
In addition, during the talks, Vladimir Putin detailed the Russian approach to resolving the conflict in Donbass on the basis of the Minsk agreements.
“Vladimir Putin detailed Russia’s approach to the settlement of the internal Ukrainian conflict with the unconditional fulfillment of the Minsk agreements,” the message says.
“Climate issues were discussed in detail in the light of the British side’s preparations for the upcoming summit of world leaders in Glasgow on Nove-mber 1-2, which will open the 26th session of the Co-nference of the Parties to the UN Framework Conv-ention on Climate Change,” the statement says.
The Russian side noted adherence to international obligations and “the intention to consistently reduce the carbon footprint of the national economy,” the Kremlin added.