
NATO Secretary General visits joint Swedish/Finnish Naval drill

F.P. Report

STOCKHOLM: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg praised Finland and Sweden’s close partnership with NATO while visiting the Berga Naval Base with the North Atlantic Council, on Wednesday (27 October 2021). During the visit, they had the opportunity to witness the joint Swedish/Finnish Naval Exercise, SWENEX-21.

“It is important that NATO Allies, Finland and Sweden continue to train and exercise together” said the Secretary General. “Over the years, we have been working more and more closely together and we have seen the security situation in the region deteriorate, with Russia’s aggressive posturing and its military build-up. This makes our cooperation even more important” he added, speaking alongside the Swedish Defence Minister, Peter Hultqvist, and the Finnish Defence Minister, Antti Kaikkonen.

Stoltenberg said that just come from HMS Carlskr-ona. A great ship, with a great crew. I continue to be impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the Swedish armed forces, and of the Finnish military. And we have seen the exercise, we have seen the capabilities demonstrated out here at sea during this afternoon, and on the visit to this impressive naval base.

It is important that NAT-O Allies, Finland and Swe-den continue to train and exercise together. Learning together, exchanging best practises and sharing information mean our forces can work seamlessly together. That makes us all better prepared to deal with any future crisis, he further added. NATO, Finland and Sweden share the same security interests. Six NATO Allies, along with Finland and Sweden, border the Baltic Sea.

Over the years, we have been working more and more closely together.

And we have seen the security situation in the region deteriorate. With Russia’s aggressive posturing and its military build-up. This makes our cooperation even more important.

Together, our forces are having a positive impact on the security and stability in the Baltic region.

This includes NATO’s enhanced forward presence, Air Policing, and the work of the Swedish and Finnish armed forces.

While we cooperate closely, NATO fully respects the strength and independence of the Finnish and Swedish Armed Forces. And we of course also respect the independent security policies of both countries.

I welcome the insights that both of You gave me when you joined the NATO Defence Ministerial last week in Brussels.

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