
Moscow urges Dushanbe and Kabul to seek options for resolving border tensions

MOSCOW (TASS): Moscow calls on Dushanbe and Kabul to search for mutually acceptable options for resolving tensions on the Tajik-Afghan border, Deputy Head of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexei Zaitsev said at a briefing on Thursday.

“With concern we observe the growing tension in the Takjik-Afghan relations against the background of the mutual harsh statements of the leaders of the two countries. There have been reports of the pulling together of the armed forces by the sides to the common border. <…> We call on Dushanbe and Kabul to seek mutually acceptable options for resolving the current situation,” he noted.

According to the Taliban movement tens of thousands of special forces fighters are deployed only in the Afghan border province of Takhar, Zaitsev said. He noted that difficulties are observed in the socio-economic sphere of the country: industrial production has decreased and prices are rising.

“There is a decrease in cash turnover, the country’s banking sector is paralyzed. The overwhelming number of state employees, including the Taliban military, do not receive salaries. In these conditions, we drew attention to the decision of the US Treasury Department, allowing government agencies, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. a positive signal, especially since the United States bears the bulk of the responsibility for the ongoing processes in Afghanistan,” Zaitsev added.

According to a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, a positive reaction followed from the Taliban. “We note the next statement by the official representative of the movement about the intention to stop drug smuggling from Afghanistan. We count on the authorities to actively work to stop the drug threat,” he concluded.

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