
Kazakhstan and Afghan authorities declare interest in restoring trade

NUR-SULTAN (TASS): The Kazakh delegation and representatives of the new Afghan authorities at a meeting in Kabul expressed mutual interest in restoring traditional trade and economic ties. This was reported on Sunday by the press service of the President of Kazakhstan, following the visit to the Afghan capital of his special representative for international cooperation, Yerzhan Kazykhan.

“The special representative of the President of Kazakhstan held meetings with representatives of the current administration of Afghanistan Abdul Ghani Baradar and Amir Khan Mutaki. Issues of Kazakhstan’s provision of humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and the restoration of trade and economic ties were discussed,” the statement said.

According to the press service, during the meetings, mutual interest was expressed in restoring traditional trade and economic ties and continuing educational programs in Kazakhstan for Afghan students.

In turn, Kazykhan noted that by order of Tokayev, humanitarian aid in the form of 5,000 tons of flour was delivered to Afghanistan. In addition, he conveyed the proposal of the republic to provide the Afghan side with the Kazakh vaccine QazVac. In addition, the special representative of the head of state informed about the steps taken by Kazakhstan together with UN agencies to further expand humanitarian supplies to the people of Afghanistan. “The Afghan side expressed gratitude for the humanitarian assistance provided and emphasized the significant contribution of our country to international efforts to rebuild Afghanistan,” reads the message.

It also says that Kazykhan met with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative, Head of the Mission of the World Organization for Assistance to Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons. The parties discussed issues of expanding cooperation between the republic and the UN in overcoming the humanitarian and food crisis in Afghanistan.

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