
Iranian ship entered Estonian territorial waters without permission

HELSINKI (Monitoring Desk): The Iranian ship Sahand, which was heading for a naval parade in St. Petersburg, entered the territorial waters of Estonia without permission on Friday and left after a corresponding order from the Estonian authorities, the press service of the Police and Border Guard Board said on Saturday.

“Last night, after ten o’clock, the Sahand ship bound for St. Petersburg entered Estonian waters from the northwestern side of Osmussaar Island. The Maritime Security Center ordered Sahand to change course and leave the territorial waters, after which the ship headed back to the Estonian economic zone.”, – said the press secretary of the department Andra Yundas to the portal of the Estonian TV and radio broadcasting ERR.

According to her, according to the norms of international maritime law, ships can peacefully cross the territorial waters of another country, but, in accordance with the Estonian state border law, foreign warships must notify the Foreign Ministry of the passage at least 48 hours in advance. The Sahand team did not.

On Saturday morning, the ship entered the territorial waters of Russia. Iranian naval floating base Makran entered the Baltic Sea via the Great Belt on Thursday. It is assumed that the ship will take part in the parade of the Russian fleet in St. Petersburg on 25 July. The Iranian frigate Sahand also arrived in the wake of the base.

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