
Iran holds Israel accountable for diplomats kidnapping

TEHRAN (IRNA): Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Sun-day holding the Israeli Zio-nist regime accountable for a 1982 kidnaping of four Iranian diplomats in Leba-non. The statement was is-sued on the 39th annivers-ary of this act.

As Lebanon was under occupation of the Zionist regime in 1982, the regime is both politically and legally responsible for the kidnaping of the Iranian diplomats, the statement said.

The statement added that the families of these diplomats are still waiting for the release and return of their beloved ones.

It said that the Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly announced that it has clues and documents which prove that the Iranian diplomats have been handed over to the Zionist forces and then transferred to the prisons of the regime.

Referring to a report by a former UN secretary general and a letter to him by the then Lebanese prime minister in 2008, the statement called on the incumbent UN secretary general and other international organizations and human rights agencies to probe into the case which is related to international conventions and is accepted by the international community.

The statement also thanked Lebanon for its good cooperation, urging combined efforts of Tehran and Beirut to uncover the hidden dimensions of this incident.

Rouhani: Government’s efforts foiled US, enemies’ plots: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the various efforts undertaken by his government as well as its support for non-oil exporters in the sanctions era led to collapse of enemies’ plots.

Exporters on non-oil products made efforts to provide the country with due forex in the sanctions era and during the economic war, the president said at an economic session held in Tehran with the participation of cabinet members.

The US did all it could to in vain create problems for Iran to provide forex for the country, the president noted.

Once, President Rouhani had called the US maximum pressures on Iran and its highest level of sanctions against the country as an economic war.

That the US introduces itself as an opponent to a nuclear bomb is an unreal show, Mousavian said adding that Israel, Pakistan and India have not accepted NPT and built nuclear bombs; however, the US has strategic relations with them.

Turning to Vienna talks, the ex-diplomat said if world powers are after reaching an agreement with Iran, they should put their double-sided standards aside.

Also about regional problems, Mousavian said that wars mounted by the US, the West, and certain Arab countries are the basis for the problems.

Touching upon the situation in Yemen, Mousavian said the problem in Yemen has been created by Saudi military aggression which enjoys US support, not Iran.

At the end of his remarks, the ex-diplomat stressed the need for establishing an organization to turn regional conflicts into regional cooperation in the Persian Gulf.

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