
Iran FM says nuclear talks will restart ‘very soon’

NEW YORK (RIA Nov-osti): Iran will very soon return to negotiations on a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ( JCPOA ) in Vi-enna, Foreign Minister of the Republic Amir Abdoll-ahiyan told reporters.

“Over the past months, we have not seen even a fraction of positive steps from the US administration. One way or another, Iran will return to the negotiating table,” Abdollahiyan said.

According to him, Tehr-an is currently reviewing t-he files on the Vienna talks.

“And very soon the talks between Iran and the 4 + 1 countries will resume,” he stressed.

He also noted that the United States, while declaring its readiness to return to the deal, is not taking any action to show it.

“US President Joe Biden criticized (ex-President Donald) Trump for his attitude towards Iran, but at the same time all the sanctions that Trump imposed on the Iranian people are carefully continued under Biden,” IRNA quoted Abdollahian as saying.

In 2015, the UK, Germany, China, Russia, the United States, France and Iran signed a JCPOA. The deal included the lifting of sanctions in exchange for limiting Iran’s nuclear program as a guarantor of Tehran’s non-receipt of nuclear weapons. In May 2018, then-US President Donald Trump decided to unilaterally withdraw and reinstate tough sanctions against Tehran. In response, Iran announced a phased reduction in its obligations under the agreement, abandoning restrictions on nuclear research, centrifuges and the level of uranium enrichment.

Now in Vienna, negotiations are underway to restore the JCPOA and the lifting of US sanctions on Iran, the sixth round ended on June 20. According to Mikhail Ulyanov, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to international organizations in Vienna, the work to restore the deal has been completed by almost 90%, there are still political moments related to the obligations of the United States and how Washington will comply with them in the future.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry said that negotiations will resume in the fall, as the government of the new President Raisi, who won the elections in June, is to be finally formed in Iran.

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