
Exercise Zapad-2021 kicks off in Nizhny

POLYGON PRAVDINSKY (TASS): The opening ceremony of the joint str-ategic exercises Zapad-20-21 was held on September 9 at the Baltic Fleet training ground in the Kaliningrad region, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

“At the Pravdinsky training ground, which is designed to conduct firing from various weapons, tactical and tactical-special exercises with military units and subdivisions of the army corps of the Baltic Fleet, the opening ceremony of the West-2021 joint strategic exercises took place,” the statement said.

The Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Alexander Nosatov, addressed the participants in the exercise. He admonished his subordinates to perform high-quality training and combat missions and wished the Balts success in joint strategic exercises.

The admiral noted that the fleet is ready to conduct the West-2021 exercises. “For the Baltic Fleet, this exercise is a serious test,” he said at a rally held here with the participation of the command staff of the army corps of the fleet, veterans of the armed forces and expressed confidence that during the exercise “commanders of all levels will demonstrate the skills of managing their units in conditions and conditions. close to combat “.

The ceremony ended with a general solemn passage of military equipment and servicemen of the army corps of the Baltic Fleet.

Also, events within the framework of the opening of the West-2021 maneuvers were held on the territory of the amphibious assault range of the Baltic Fleet Khmelevka on the Kaliningrad coast of the Baltic Sea in the formations and parts of the Baltic naval base, the press service noted.

The joint strategic exercises Zapad-2021 will be held on September 10-16 at the military training grounds of Belarus and Russia. They will be attended by up to 200 thousand personnel, about 80 aircraft and helicopters, up to 760 units of military equipment, including 290 tanks, 240 guns, multiple launch rocket systems and mortars, as well as up to 15 ships. The scenario of the exercise presupposes a response to the aggravation of the international situation and possible aggression against the Union State.

The Russian and Belarusian sides have repeatedly stated about the defensive nature of the upcoming maneuvers.

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