
Chinese troops may enter Afghanistan: Russia fears

MOSCOW (Monitoring Desk): China will not send troops to Afghanistan after the US military leaves there, said Zamir Kabulov, the Russian president’s special envoy for Afghanistan, director of the second department of Asia at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“I do not share this point of view,” he said at a briefing at the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, answering a question about whether China can replace the United States in Afghanistan.

Speaking about the possibility of a Chinese military contingent entering Afghanistan, Kabulov expressed doubts about the reality of such a scenario.

“In any case, there is not a single reason to talk about this with reference to the government of the People’s Republic of China,” the Russian diplomat noted.

The dialogue between Russia and the United States on Afghanistan is generally developing positively, said Zamir Kabulov.

“On the whole, it is developing positively, we are in constant contact by phone with my colleague Zalmay Khalilzad, who is now in Washington,” the diplomat replied to a question about the dialogue between Russia and the United States on Afgh-anistan, speaking at the press center of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.

Kremlin comments on the situation in Afghanistan: The events in Afghanistan are a matter of deep concern for the Russian Federation, which is ready to be “together with partners” against the background of possible threats, said Russian President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

“You have repeatedly heard statements from both the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defense that what is happening in Afghanistan is a matter of our deep concern, and that we are certainly ready to be with our partners against the background of the threat that events in Afghanistan may pose. “, – Peskov told reporters.

He added that the Russian Federation has no plans to attract the military continent, joint Russian-Tajik-Uzbek exercises are being conducted, defenses are being checked, actions are being honed.

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