
Borrell: Kosovo and Serbia must find solutions to defuse the situation

F.P. Report

BRUSSELS, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said on Sunday, that Serbia and Kosovo need to unconditionally de-escalate the situation on the ground, by immediately withdrawing special police units and dismantling of roadblocks. Any further provocations or unilateral and uncoordinated actions are unacceptable.

“Kosovo and Serbia must find solutions to def-use the situation and agree on the way forward. The E-U will actively support the-se efforts. Both Kosovo and Serbian leaders are fully responsible for any risks to the safety and well-being of local communities is on bo-th Kosovo and Serbia. I str-essed this in my calls with President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti this week.”

The EU-facilitated Dialogue continues to be the only platform to address and resolve all open issues between the Parties, including those related to freedom of movement and licence plates, and I strongly urge Kosovo and Serbia to use it. Both Chief Negotiators coming to Brussels in the coming days is a first positive step. It is crucial that they come with a mandate to discuss the way forward and find sustainable solutions that are in the interests of the citizens.

“We repeat that we expect both Kosovo and Serbia to return to fostering an environment conducive to reconciliation, regional stability and cooperation for the benefit of their citizens. This is crucial for reaching a comprehensive and legally-binding agreement on normalisation of their relations, which is necessary for both to advance on their respective European paths.

I am in close touch with NATO Secretary General, whom I thank for the excellent cooperation between KFOR and EULEX. KFOR plays a key role in supporting regional stability in the Western Balkans.

Also, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discussed with the leaders of Serbia and the unrecognized Kosovo de-escalation in North Kosovo, warning them that the forces of the international mission under the auspices of the Alliance in Kosovo (KFOR) retain their mandate to maintain order in the region.

“I spoke with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti about the need for de-escalation in North Kosovo. NATO KFOR maintains a mandate to provide security and freedom of movement for all in the region,” Stoltenberg wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

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