
“And what are we going to do?” Putin warns of dangerous situation in Afghanistan

MOSCOW (Agencies): Russia is against the placement of refugees from Afghanistan in the countries of Central Asia, since, using the visa-free regime, militants will be able to penetrate into the territory of the Russian Federation, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Only now has it been said about Afghanistan. It has a direct bearing on our security,” he said on Sunday at a meeting with representatives of United Russia.

Putin noted that Western countries “are persistently raising the issue of placing refugees in Central Asian countries before obtaining visas for the United States and other countries.”

“This means that you can send to these countries without visas to our neighbors, but we do not want to take them without visas. This is just a humiliating approach to solving this issue,” Putin continued.

According to him, this issue will be discussed on Monday at a meeting of the leaders of the CSTO countries and other venues.

“Imagine, refugees entered any of these countries. Who among these refugees, how do we know? There may be thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, or maybe millions, and we have no visa requirements with our closest allies and neighbors. restrictions, and the border is a thousand kilometers. I got on anything – even a car, even a donkey and drove across the steppe. And what are we going to do about it? ” – said Putin.

“We don’t want some kind of militants to appear again under the guise of refugees … we actually had hostilities in the North Caucasus,” President Vladimir Putin added.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, at a meeting between Putin and representatives of United Russia, said that the Taliban are still fulfilling their promises to end hostilities and start a national dialogue in Afghanistan, and have launched first contacts with representatives of the country’s main political forces.

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