
Afghanistan PM meets with representatives of Russia, China, Pakistan

KABUL (TASS): The head of the interim government of Afghani-stan, Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund held a meeting with representatives of Russia, China and Pakistan. This was announced on Tuesday on his Twitter.

Attached to the message are photographs from the talks, which are attended by the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov, the special representative of the Pakistani government in Kabul Mohammad Sadik Khan, as well as the special representative of the PRC for Afghanistan Yue Xiaoyun.

On the Taliban side, there are a number of members of the interim Afghan cabinet of ministers, including Finance Minister Mullah Hidayatullah Badri, as well as Foreign Minister Amir Khan Mottaki.

The report also notes that during the talks, the head of the Afghan interim cabinet pointed out that “Pakistan should pay as much attention as possible to the problem of Afghan refugees and entrepreneurs [in Pakistani territory] and make it easier for them to cross the common border through [checkpoints].”To-rkham” and “Spin-Boldak”.

In addition, Akhund asked the representatives of the Russian Federation, China and Pakistan “to call on the United States and other countries to stop putting pressure on the Afghan people.”

Also, Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, as well as the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation, Abdullah Abdullah, met on Tuesday in Kabul with special representatives of Russia, China and Pakistan. This is stated in a message posted on the council’s Facebook page .

“At the meeting, which was also attended by the ambassadors of Russia and Pakistan in Kabul, representatives of these countries stressed the importance of forming an inclusive and acceptable government for all. , ensuring equal education for all Afghans, as well as [continuing] regional cooperation, “the statement reads.

Earlier, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation confirms that the special representative of the Presi-dent of the Russian Federa-tion for Afghanistan is taking part in the meeting of the Taliban with the delegations of the Russian Feder-ation, China and Pakistan.

Zakharova further said that the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Collective Security Tre-aty Organization (CSTO) will build their line on Afghanistan depending on the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Taliban. “The further joint line [of the CSTO and SCO countries] depends on the extent to which the Taliban will be ready to actually fulfill their earlier obligations regarding the subsequent development of this country,” she said.

Zakharova stressed that the CSTO and SCO member states are unanimous in the opinion that the United States and its NATO allies should bear full responsibility for the post-conflict socio-economic reconstruction of Afghanistan as the first step in managing the humanitarian situation.

“As for the SCO, the member states are determined to more actively use the SCO-Afghanistan contact group, as well as to use the accumulated experience of interaction with this country as an observer state in the organization,” the diplomat added.

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