TOKYO (TASS): The United States agreed to oblige its military personnel not to leave the territory of the bases in Japan unnecessarily due to the increase in the number of coronavirus infections. This is stated in a joint statement of the two countries, released on Sunday by the Japanese Foreign Ministry.
The measures come into force on January 10 and w-ill last for two weeks. “The US Armed Forces in Japan will ensure that all personnel wear masks inside and outside military installations, with the exception of private homes. The US Armed Forces in Japan will maintain strict procedures for personnel screening be-fore leaving (from the US) and after entering (in Jap-an), and will also strictly follow the requirements of a 14-day quarantine after entry,” the document says.
A sharp rise in coronavi-rus infections was detected at several US bases, including Camp Hansen on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, in late December. The sites were infected by servicemen recently transferred to Japan as part of a rotation. They did not take PCR tests upon arrival as part of the bilateral agreements in force. However, this requirement is now in effect again.
Due to a surge in infections at US military facilities, the daily increase in n-ew cases of coronavirus a-mong the population of Ok-inawa, as well as Yamag-uchi Prefecture, where ano-ther Iwakuni base is located, has grown to record highs for the entire pandemic. A total of more than 50,000 American troops are stationed in Japan, including a Marine Division on the island of Okinawa.
The post US to restrict military exit from bases in Japan due to coronavirus appeared first on The Frontier Post.