
US Envoy Lenderking will travel to Gulf Capitals and London

US Envoy Lenderking will travel to Gulf Capitals and London

F.P. Report

WASHINGTON: U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking will travel to Gulf capitals and London starting January 19 to reinvigorate peace efforts in coordination with the UN, senior regional government officials, and other international partners. The Special Envoy and his team will press the parties to de-escalate militarily and seize the new year to participate fully in an inclusive UN-led peace process.

Special Envoy Lenderking will also focus on the urgent need to mitigate the dire humanitarian and economic crises facing Yemenis. As the UN Acting Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator briefed the UN Security Council last week, 16 million people in Yemen desperately need aid totaling about $3.9 billion. It is imperative that donors, especially regional donors, provide additional funding and that all parties to the conflict take steps to improve humanitarian access and address Yemen’s fuel crisis.

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