
US charges analyst with perjury to the FBI

US charges analyst with perjury to the FBI

WASHINGTON DC (RIA Novosti): Analyst Igor Danchenko, who was collecting information about the alleged ties of former US President Donald Trump with Russia, concealed from the FBI his contacts with a person connected with the US Democratic Party, the indictment says.
“Danchenko made a false statement that he never came into contact with a person in the United States who had been involved in the activities of the Democratic Party for a long time,” the document, published in the judicial database, says.
Danchenko will face a US court Thursday afternoon, arrested as part of an investigation into Trump’s possible ties to Russia. According to the US Department of Justice, from June to November 2017, Danchenko falsely testified to the FBI five times regarding the sources of information he provided to the British firm. Danchenko’s false testimony played a key role in the FBI investigation, according to the indictment.
During the 2016 election campaign, federal authorities were investigating Trump’s headquarters for possible links between him and his aides with Russia. Trump accuses the then Barack Obama administration of spying on him as a political adversary. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who had already been investigating the “Russian case” for two years under Trump, confirmed the accusations of the special services against Russia of interfering in the elections ( Moscow denies this), but found no evidence of Trump’s “conspiracy” with Russia, the existence of which is also denied in the Kremlin. and in the White House. The US Department of Justice has appointed Special Attorney John Durham to investigate potential violations during the 2016 election campaign.
Earlier, a native of the USSR, Danchenko said that he feared for his life and could sue Trump. The identity of the “source” of the dossier of former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele was disclosed by the American media back in July. According to them, it was an analyst Igor Danchenko, who was born in Soviet times in Ukraine and then grew up in Russia. After that he worked in the USA, being a specialist in Russia and Eurasia. In September, US Senator Lindsay Graham named the man behind the Donald Trump dossier “a possible Russian agent.” At the same time, he did not indicate the name of the source. Trump subsequently retweeted a message stating that Danchenko was a “Russian agent.” Danchenko stated
The dossier was compiled in 2016 by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer who, commissioned by Trump’s political opponents, prepared incriminating materials on him for the Washington-based firm Fusion GPS. The dossier made it to the press after the 2016 elections.
The report claimed that Russia has compromising evidence on Trump. The US intelligence services, which at that time were still led by Barack Obama’s appointees, did not begin to either confirm or deny the content of the dossier and the greasy details that it abounded with. Trump himself more than once called the dossier a fake, and the press secretary of the Russian President Peskov called the dossier a newspaper “duck.”
The FBI under Democratic President Obama conducted an investigation against Trump in 2016-17. Investigators tried to find out if the presidential candidate was still in cahoots with the Russian authorities to win the elections. Later, the same issue was investigated by the independent special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who in the spring of 2019 came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of such a conspiracy. Russia and Trump categorically denied the accusations, the US President considers them politically motivated.

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