
UN adopts a resolution of Russia and US on cybersphere

UN adopts a resolution of Russia and US on cybersphere

NEW YORK (TASS): The Russian-American resolution on the norms of conduct in the cybersphere without a vote was adopted on Wednesday at a meeting of the First Committee of the UN General Assembly.
The document entitled “Achievements in the field of informatization and telecommunications in the context of international security and the encouragement of responsible behavior of states in the use of information and communication technologies” will now be submitted to the vote of the entire General Assembly in December.
The text notes that “it is in the interests of all states to promote the use of information and communication technologies for peaceful purposes and to prevent conflicts arising from their use.”
Russia and the United States are calling to prevent the use of information resources or technologies “for criminal or terrorist purposes.”
It confirms that “voluntary, non-binding norms of responsible behavior of countries can reduce risks to international peace, security and stability.” At the same time, the possibility of developing additional binding rules, if appropriate, is noted.
Russia and the United States invite all countries to join the rules of conduct in cyberspace set out in the reports of the Open-ended Working Group and the Group of Governmental Experts.
Andrey, Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Office in Geneva, said on Tuesday that the document will strengthen international peace and security in the use of information and telecommunication technologies.
According to the diplomat, the resolution lays a strategic basis for the continuation of the negotiation process.

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