
Ukraine announces international training programs for troops

Ukraine announces international training programs for troops

KIEV (TASS): The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov signed an order approving the training plan for military personnel, which provides for advanced training in educational institutions of 13 foreign countries. This was announced on Friday by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
“The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov signed an order by which he approved a plan for staffing international training programs for military personnel and workers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in military educational institutions of foreign states in 2022. The document stipulates that 167 servicemen will be sent for training next year and workers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 13 countries, “- said in a message on the website of the department. It is specified that the Ukrainian military will be able to undergo training in the UK, USA, Turkey, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Romania and Slovakia.
According to the minister, training for the Ukrainian military is necessary to learn from experience. “Thanks to our international partners, our military can improve their qualifications in the best specialized universities and training institutions abroad and introduce Euro-Atlantic principles already in Ukraine,” the Defense Ministry quoted Reznikov as saying.
The department also noted that in 2021 Ukraine approved a number of documents that allow servicemen to acquire new qualifications that may be needed for a possible war period in the country. “We are talking about the Concept of the military personnel policy of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the period up to 2025, the implementation of which will create a comprehensive, effective, economically feasible and justified system for providing troops with professionally trained, with high moral tasks in peacetime and wartime, “the ministry added.

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