
Russian nuclear power plants set a new record

Russian nuclear power plants set a new record

MOSCOW (RIA Novosti): NPPs in Russia in 2021 set a new record for electricity generation, producing more than 222 billion kilowatt-hours, the press service of the electric power di-vision of the Rosatom state corporation of the Rosenergoatom concern said.
“Nuclear power plants have generated over 222.436 billion kilowatt-hours,” the message says. In 2020, nuclear power plants in Russia produced a total of about 216 billion kilowatt-hours.
The volume of electricity generated by the nuclear power plant in 2021 made it possible to save more than 111 million tons of CO2-equivalent emissions (if the same volume of electricity was generated by thermal generation), the press release says.
The main factors that played a large role in increasing electricity generation were the commissioning in March 2021 of power unit No. 6 of the Leningrad NPP with a capacity of 1200 MW, as well as a 107-day reduction in the duration of repair campaigns, Rosenergoatom explains.
Rosenergoatom as branches includes 11 nuclear power plants operating in Russia, 37 power units are in operation (including a floating power unit consisting of two reactor plants) with a total installed capacity of over 29.5 GW. At present, the share of nuclear generation is about 20% of the total electricity generation in the country. Thus, every fifth light bulb in Russia burns from the energy generated by nuclear power plants.

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