
Russia advises US to reconsider their concept of “moral egoism”

Russia advises US to reconsider their concept of “moral egoism”

WASHINGTON DC (RIA Novosti): The United States should reconsider its concept of “moral egoism”, since it does not work in modern conditions, said Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov .
“What is the essence of this concept? At one time, Henry Kissinger gave an answer to this , who formulated as follows:” what is good for America is good for the whole world, “Antonov said on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel.
He stressed that this principle ignores the cultural and historical differences of countries, as well as their priorities.
“So, the Americans impose their approaches in economic and international markets … At the same time, they constantly threaten us with sanctions,” the ambassador added.
The head of the diplomatic mission noted that Russian enterprises have learned to work in these conditions and find opportunities for interaction without violating American laws.
There is a possibility that the US will impose new sanctions against Russia, said Russian Ambassador.
“It cannot be said that there is no likelihood of the announcement of sanctions against Russia today or tomorrow. Such a probability exists,” he said on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel .
According to Antonov, it will be impossible to build normal relations between the two countries without resolving these problems. “I have a feeling that some here in Washington proceed from the premise that we need predictably bad relations in this area. Of course, we cannot agree with such a formulation of the question,” the ambassador stressed. According to him, the current difficulties are reflected in the daily life of Russian diplomats.
The United States has responded to some of Russia’s information security inquiries, but a number of questions are still being ignored, Antonov said.
“[Russian President] Vladimir Putin gave a very good picture in his time in Geneva, when he said at a press conference that we had sent about 40 requests to the American side, and they did not answer any of us. I want to say that our American colleagues asked us to repeat these requests and on some questions we have received answers, but far from all, “the ambassador said, answering the question of how often Americans respond to RF requests in this area.
The diplomat noted that it takes time to establish trust between the Russian Federation and the United States in this area, but “small, tangible” results of such interaction already exist. “I can say that a positive assessment of the contacts that are taking place between Russia and US.”

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