Romanian FM will hold meeting with Blinken on November 08

Romanian FM will hold meeting with Blinken on November 08

BUCHAREST (TASS): Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu will hold bilateral political consultations with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on November 8 during his visit to the United States on November 8-9. This was announced on Saturday by the Romanian Foreign Ministry.
“In the course of bilateral consultations, the latest developments in the field of security will be discussed with an emphasis on the Black Sea region and security on the eastern flank of NATO, coordination within NATO, including in relation to the new strategic concept,” the message says. on relations with Russia, China, as well as on the regional agenda, including the recent events in the Republic of Moldova. “
“The consultations will be aimed at identifying specific ways to develop and deepen bilateral cooperation in the political, military and energy fields, in the field of security, including the promotion of priority strategic projects for Romania – Rail-2-Sea (construction of a railway line between Gdansk and Con-stanta) and Via Carpatia (construction of a motorway between north and so-uth Europe through Lithua-nia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece), as well as in the field of civil nuclear energy. Aurescu will confirm Romania’s interest in joining the Visa Waiver Program …
On the occasion of the visit, the 7th session of the strategic dialogue between Romania and the United States will be opened. The Romanian minister will meet with other American officials, as well as with representatives of Americ-an think tanks, the Rom-anian Foreign Ministry said.

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