
Moscow and Damascus urge US to withdraw its troops from Syria

Moscow and Damascus urge US to withdraw its troops from Syria

DAMASCUS (TASS): The heads of the interdepartmental coordination headquarters (MKSH) of Russia and Syria on the return of refugees adopted a joint statement following the meeting of the MSCs held on Thursday. According to the document signed by the Minister of Local Self-G-overnment and Environme-nt of Syria Hussein Mak-hlyuf and the head of the National Center for Defe-nse Management of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mizintsev, they call on the United States to end sanctions pressure and withdraw its troops from Syria.
“The unprecedented sanctions pressure of the United States and its European allies, as well as the illegitimate presence of foreign military contingents in Syria, have a negative impact on the socio-economic and humanitarian situation in the country. restoration, impede the establishment of a peaceful life in the republic and contradict UN Security Cou-ncil Resolution 2585. We are confident that only the consolidation of the efforts of the entire international community in humanitarian assistance to Syria, as well as the lifting of illegal sanctions against the Syrian people, can give a new impetus to the process of internal Syrian political settlement and make it possible to move forward on wa-ys of post-conflict reconstruction of the republic”,- reads a joint statement.
In addition, it notes the desire of other countries to politicize humanitarian iss-ues, in particular, the topic of providing assistance to the Syrian population excl-usively through cross-border humanitarian corridors. At the same time, contrary to the UN Security Council resolution, all attempts to deliver humanitarian suppl-ies by an alternative means (through the contact lines), including to the Idlib de-e-scalation zone, are blocked.
“This state of affairs contradicts UN Security Council Resolution 2585 and testifies to the West’s intention to continue to support the enclaves controlled by the militants in order to preserve hotbeds of tension in the country. We call for an end to the politicization of humanitarian activities in the Syrian Arab Republic and not to ignore the importance of resolving the social problems of the population,” statement.
A joint meeting of the interdepartmental coordination headquarters of Russia and Syria on the return of refugees to their places of permanent residence was held in Damascus on Thursday. It was held in the format of a videoconference between Moscow and Damascus with the invitation of representatives of the UN, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations performing tasks in Syria.

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