
Lukashenko: Airports in Kazakhstan seized to prevent transfer of CSTO military

Lukashenko: Airports in Kazakhstan seized to prevent transfer of CSTO military

MINSK (TASS): President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that extremists seized airports in Kazakhstan in order to prevent the transfer of CSTO troops.
“Everything that could be set on fire was set on fire, the airport was seized, moreover purposefully. Both in Almaty and Nur-Sultan there was an attempt to seize the airport. Purposefully,” Lukashenko said at a meeting on the implementation of historical policy on Thursday, the agency quoted him as saying. BelTA . – Because they understood that the armed forces would be transferred there, primarily from Russia and [other] CSTO countries. ” He explained that the radicals had to take control of the airports so that they could not land there.
Lukashenko also said that consultations on the situation in Kazakhstan had been going on all night. “Yesterday all night there were consultations, in this regard we were monitoring the situation with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin <…>, they had conversations several times,” he said.
Lukashenko also stressed that Kazakhstan cannot be “given” to external forces according to the Ukrainian scenario. “We understand perfectly well that Kazakhstan cannot be given <…>. Because it will be such a gift as Ukraine for America, NATO,” he said. According to Lukashenko, the information that the CSTO will support Kazakhstan had an effect. “As of this morning, we see that they did not even come to the residence. There was already a message that the CSTO forces would provide support,” the president said.
Lukashenko also recalled the previous events in Kyrgyzstan. “There are already professional soldiers of the revolution there, not one thousand. Here they sit until a certain moment. Then they are used. And they are propping up from Afghanistan, and from other countries, and now they have gathered,” the president said. According to him, despite the fact that the territory of Kazakhstan is vast, “everything happened synchronously, it was planned.” “Intervention from the outside, naturally. In terms of coordination,” said the head of state.
Lukashenko said that a peacekeeping company of the Armed Forces of Belarus will be involved in maintaining order in Kazakhstan.
“Our guys will fly from Minsk. Our peacekeeping company is the one that should work in such conditions,” he said.
Lukashenko said that in the course of consultations with the heads of the CSTO member states, he asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide airplanes in order to “transfer equipment and so on.” “Now there is a transfer of troops,” the Belarusian president noted.
Tajikistan to participate in CSTO operation: President of Tajikistan i Rahmon during a telephone conversation with President of Kazakhstan Kosym-Zhomart Tokayev confirmed Dushanbe ‘s readiness to participate in peacekeeping operations within the framework of the Co-llective Security Treaty , the press service of the he-ad of the Tajik leader said.
“The President of Tajikistan announced the country’s readiness to participate in the CSTO peacekeeping operations in accordance with the undertaken obligations,” statement.said.

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