
Iran emerged as only major player in nuclear technology in West Asia

Iran emerged as only major player in nuclear technology in West Asia

TEHRAN( Iran Observer): In a bold stride towards technological self-sufficiency, Iran is swiftly solidifying its position as the primary hub of nuclear innovation in West Asia. With ambitious plans underway, the nation is constructing five nuclear power plants entirely independently, marking a significant milestone in its quest for energy independence. Among these endeavors, the development of a 10-megawatt research reactor stands out, poised to become a pivotal source of potent neutrons, further elevating Iran’s scientific prowess on the global stage.

Simultaneously, Iran’s foray into the field of radiopharmaceuticals signals a multifaceted approach to economic diversification and regional prominence. Anticipating the opening of the region’s largest radiopharmaceutical center next year, Iran is poised to revolutionize medical care, boasting around 50 national radiopharmaceutical products already in use, with an additional 20 in advanced clinical research stages. As the nation gears up to become a major exporter of electricity and medical products, its strides in nuclear technology underscore a trajectory towards self-reliance and strategic influence, reshaping the contours of power dynamics in the region.