
India handed over BRICS chairmanship to China

India handed over BRICS chairmanship to China

NEW DELHI (TASS): India handed over to China the chairmanship of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) from January 1, 2022. This is stated in the message of the Indian Foreign Ministry, posted on its website on Wednesday following the meeting of Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas of the BRICS countries.
“During the meeting of Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas, the chairmanship of the BRICS was transferred to China. China also presented the priorities of its upcoming chairmanship, which begins on January 1, 2022,” the Indian Foreign Ministry said. In addition, the BRICS partners have agreed to support Beijing in this role.
The meeting participants also summed up the results of New Delhi’s chairmanship in the association in the outgoing year.
“They approved the actions of India, taken despite the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to further strengthen cooperation between the BRICS countries. The strategic partnership of the BRICS has developed throughout the year in the interests of the countries and peoples of the group, the BRICS has become stronger and more dynamic,” in the message of the Indian Foreign Ministry.
During the year, about 150 BRICS events took place, 20 of which were held at the ministerial level. In September, a virtual BRICS summit was held, which resulted in the adoption of the Delhi Declaration, which reaffirmed the countries’ determination to fight the coronavirus pandemic, to deepen partnerships on politics and security, economy and culture, the Indian Foreign Ministry recalled.
The acronym BRICS (BRICS) is derived from the names of countries in English (South Africa joined the organization in December 2010, before that it was called BRIC).
The purpose of the association, created in 2006 at the initiative of Russia, is the development of comprehensive cooperation bet-ween the participating co-untries. Other achievem-ents of India’s Chairship included – BRICS Counter-Terrorism Action Plan, operationalization of the Agricultural Research Plat-form, signing of Agreement on Cooperation in the field of Remote-sensing Satell-ites Constellation, finalization of BRICS Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters, and finalization of Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Regulation of Medical Products for Human Use.

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