
Idea of “Open Balkans” is eliminating borders in region: Vucic says

Idea of “Open Balkans” is eliminating borders in region: Vucic says

BELGRADE (TASS): The agreements signed in Tirana within the framework of the Open Balkans summit by Serbian Presi-dent Aleksandar Vucic, Al-banian Prime Minister Edi Rama and North Maced-onian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev essentially abolish the borders between these countries. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday on the air of the national television by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.
“I think this is a great idea [‘Open Balkans’], which will only get stronger and stronger over time. Today’s agreements are very important for us, in fact, borders in this part of Europe will disappear. there will be more business opportunities, much more cooperation opportunities, “the president said.
When asked if the agreement on free market access will come into effect on Ja-nuary 1, 2022, Vucic rep-lied: “I think yes, we still have a few technical things to complete.” The agreem-ent on free access to the m-arket will make it possible to issue a single work permit for the three countries, which will ensure free e-mployment for workers in the region. At the same time, five more agreements were signed: an agreement on the interconnection of electronic identification sy-stems, an agreement on co-operation in the veterinary and phytosanitary fields, t-wo agreements on economic entities, as well as an ag-reement on cooperation be-tween the accreditation bo-dies of the three countries.
In October 2019, the leaders of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia ado-pted the Declaration on a Common Economic Space (“Open Balkans”), which implies the free movement of goods, capital, services and people in the region.

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