
Haqqanis were aware of Zawahri presence 

Haqqanis were aware of Zawahri presence 

Jalil Afridi

Washington DC: Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in The White House, John Kirby stated that senior member of the Haqqani’s were aware of Aymin Al Zawahri presence in Kabul. He further stated that Pakistan was not notified about the planned drone attack. 

While addressing journalists at the White House, Kirby stated that America is now capable of hitting the most wanted man without having forces on ground and it is doing this through “over the horizon” capabilities. 

Kirby further stated that there are few numbers of Al Qaeda members in Afghanistan and he believes that Afghanistan will not become safe haven for terrorists. Taliban have agreed in Doha accord that they will not allow foreign terrorists to use their soil for any kind of terrorist activity. 

Kirby took an exceptional stance while replying to a journalist who had asked that the US has left Afghanistan to Taliban by saying that “Afghanistan is a sovereign country and it is not going to become a safe haven for terrorists. 

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