
Great differences between Iran and US on JCPOA: Russian envoy

Great differences between Iran and US on JCPOA: Russian envoy

NEW YORK (RIA Novo-sti): There are still great differences between Tehran and Washington on the J-oint Comprehensive Plan of Action ( JCPOA ) on the Iranian nuclear program, but the parties have a cha-nce to come to an agreem-ent, Ulyanov, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to international organizations in Vienna, told reporters .
He recalled that Iran has already moved away from the JCPOA in many positions. “However, it is important to understand that this happened not because of Tehran’s ill will, but as a reaction to the irresponsible policy of maximum US pressure with extraterritorial sanctions and other forms of pressure on Tehran. Tehran is resisting. And this could have been expected, no surprise,” Ulyanov said.

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